Monday, April 26, 2010

Rain, rain, go away...

So last night there was this HUGE storm. Definately not like the ones we've had before, but it was still pretty bad. At one point there was lightning, and then dead silence, and then......................


And then there were quieter (quietER, not quiet) rumbles of thunder for about 20 seconds longer, non-stop. Craaaazyyyy.

And I don't mind rain and thunder, just as long as:

A) I'm not in a car.
B) The thunder isn't crazy loud.
C) There isn't a tornado, tornado watch/warning, or hurricane or hurricane watch/warning.

But as I live in central Florida, there is usually always a tornado watch/warning.

Which kind of irritates me because when I lived in south Florida, all we had were hurricanes. And when we moved up here I didn't really think that there would be any of those. But no. Boy, were we wrong. The year after we moved here there were, like, 4 or 5 of them.

And on TOP of all the hurricanes, we have tornadoes, which I only thought happened in the mid-west and places like that. You know, "Oh no, Toto! There's a twister! Auntie Em, Auntie Em!" and all that jazz.

But anyway, I never got to go to the Dali museum. But that's okay, because we're going tomorrow. :D

And also, my tea party went really well. We had tea (well, I had water), croissants, and chocolate chip cookies!!!!!!! :D I loveeeeeee chocolate chip cookies. Mainly the raw kind. Mmmmm.....

I have yet to paint my nails, as I can not find my nail polish remover... But I figured out what color I'm painting them. :)

P.S. The question of the day is still going (read my previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about): If you could eat anything all day long, what would it be, and why?

1 comment:

  1. Pizza, Scruby's barbeque, McDonald's, and taco's, ALL.DAY.LONG. If I could ;)
