Thursday, April 29, 2010

Besties Rock

So I'm talking to one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world. She's pretty awesome.

Now let's see... What did I do today... I worked. That's about it.

Then I came home. Watched some TV. Played on Polyvore. Did random things.

And then I got on Facebook and talked to my bestie.



So this is going to be a pretty short post as I am tired. haha

BTW, I didn't go to the Dali museum. *sigh* Oh well.

But I'm going to a friend's house tomorrow (the one who I am currently speaking to) and then I get to see a bunch of friends on Saturday. So it's all good. :)

Anyways, I best be off to bed.

"Goodnight moon, goodnight air, goodnight voices everywhere..." -Goodnight Moon


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alice's Tea Cup and other fun things

So my sad attempt to be fun didn't work.

So I'm retiring the whole "Question of the Day" thing.

At least until I get more followers.


It turns out that I'm NOT going to the Salvador Dali museum today. I'm going tomorrow. In fact, I might not even be going at all. Which makes me very sad, as I've wanted to go there for about 4 years. *sigh*

But now I'm going to talk about something awesome.

At least, to me.

In New York, at the NBC headquarters, there is a special ticket that you can get that not only lets you take a tour of the NBC HQ, but a special tour of how they make Wicked. O_O They don't actually bring you backstage, but they do bring "the backstage out to you" or whatever. So basically they tell you all the tips and tricks of showbiz, how they make the sets, how they came up with the idea, things you might not have noticed during the musical, et cetera. And THEN, when the tour is over, you get to have a Q&A session with the cast of Wicked!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth and all them, of course, but the people who are in the Broadway roles now. :D

But, sadly, that special tour only runs on Saturdays, and I... *sobs* Won't be there on Saturday!!!!!!!! *cries histarically*

For those of you who don't know (which is everyone except for Sarah Grace), Wicked: The Musical is my favorotist musical in the whole entire WORLD. So therefore, the fact that I won't be in New York until Saturday saddens me.

Oh well. At least I'm going to New York. :D I can't wait! I really can't wait to go to the American Museum of Natural History. I love museums, FYI. The Tenement museum sounds kind of cool, too. I'm being forced to there, though.

There's this restaurant in the Upper East Side called Alice's Tea Cup. They have like tea there and stuff. But it's like totally decorated like Alice in Wonderland and I really, really, REALLY want to go there. Like, REALLY bad.

Anyways, I hear my over-1000-word project for World History calling me... *sigh*


Monday, April 26, 2010

Rain, rain, go away...

So last night there was this HUGE storm. Definately not like the ones we've had before, but it was still pretty bad. At one point there was lightning, and then dead silence, and then......................


And then there were quieter (quietER, not quiet) rumbles of thunder for about 20 seconds longer, non-stop. Craaaazyyyy.

And I don't mind rain and thunder, just as long as:

A) I'm not in a car.
B) The thunder isn't crazy loud.
C) There isn't a tornado, tornado watch/warning, or hurricane or hurricane watch/warning.

But as I live in central Florida, there is usually always a tornado watch/warning.

Which kind of irritates me because when I lived in south Florida, all we had were hurricanes. And when we moved up here I didn't really think that there would be any of those. But no. Boy, were we wrong. The year after we moved here there were, like, 4 or 5 of them.

And on TOP of all the hurricanes, we have tornadoes, which I only thought happened in the mid-west and places like that. You know, "Oh no, Toto! There's a twister! Auntie Em, Auntie Em!" and all that jazz.

But anyway, I never got to go to the Dali museum. But that's okay, because we're going tomorrow. :D

And also, my tea party went really well. We had tea (well, I had water), croissants, and chocolate chip cookies!!!!!!! :D I loveeeeeee chocolate chip cookies. Mainly the raw kind. Mmmmm.....

I have yet to paint my nails, as I can not find my nail polish remover... But I figured out what color I'm painting them. :)

P.S. The question of the day is still going (read my previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about): If you could eat anything all day long, what would it be, and why?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm back, Ya happy?

Ok, so today at church I got a hounding from my friend (you know who you are) about how I haven't posted in two whole days. Oh no!! I'm so horrible! Wahh!!!!

So I'm posting now. Happy, E?

So now on to what I'm posting about.

I had Chinese food today. Mmmmmm... Well actually, it was American Chinese food, but still. Mmmmmm... I love it. But now I feel really, really stuffed and tired. And I didn't even eat that much!

I think that American Chinese food has some special property that makes you really full and really sleepy really fast.

So anyway, I'm planning what we're going to (or what I think we should) do in New York. Because my Aunt is so preoccupied with her graduation stuff that she told my mom that she has to plan all of our excursions. Including food. Which means that I get to plan it!! Well, sort of. I get to tell my mom what I want to do and then she will decide. But most likely we'll do everything that I want to do, because everything I want to do is everything my mom wants to do.

My Mad Hatter poster is staring me down with his lime green eyes and creepy smile with a gap between his teeth...

It's weird.


Ugh, my friend just chatted with me on Skype so I lost my train of thought...

OH! I tried to take up ventriloquism on Friday. I'm actually kind of good at it. I just need an act and a better-looking sock puppet...


I painted my nails some purple-pink color because this little girl I babysit told me to because it matched my ring. So I did, just to humor her. But now I want to change it.

So what color should I paint my nails?

P.S. (I learned what that means! It means "post script".) I'm going to do a "question of the day" from now on. At least, I hope. Here's how it works.

1. Today, I ask a question to start it off.
2. You give your answers. They can be weird or serious. I don't care.
3. Also leave a comment for what you think the next question should be.
4. I'll pick what I think the best answer (or answers, if a bunch of people start following me) is and post it in the next blog along with the next question that I picked."

So here's the first question: If you could eat anything all day long, what would it be, and why?


Thursday, April 22, 2010

So tired...

That's how I feel right now.

I didn't stay up that late. Only until about 10:30. And I'm not usually tired when I wake up unless I go to bed at 4:00 AM.

So I have no idea what's up.

Anyway, I got this new book called book called Little Miss Red by Robin Palmer. It's basically a modernized version of Little Red Riding hood, though if you didn't know that, you wouldn't realize it, because it's so modern. I'm only on the second chapter but it's really, really good so far. The lady who wrote it has two other books- Cindy Ella and Geek Charming. So basically her books are a very, very modern re-telling of classic fairy tales.

Anyway, that's about it for right now. I'm actually falling asleep as I write this, so I should probably stop before I fall face first onto my laptop, which would press a bunch of random keys, and then probably accidentally press the "Publish Post" button and then you guys would REALLY think that I'm a raving lunatic.

Anyways, I might be going to the Salvador Dali museum tomorrow, which will be flipping awesome (Dali is my favorite artist).

I'm also having a tea party with a five-year-old girl and a -three-year-old boy...


-Raving Lunatic

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh Yah!!

I forgot! Check out this really, really, really awesome blog!! It's owned (well, not owned, but you get the idea) by one of my bestest friends, Sarah Hallas!!!

Sarah Grace and Beauty

So it's basically a blog about fashion, makeup, the latest trends, all that fun stuff! Check it out! It's really awesome!

And while I'm endorsing, don't forget to check out my other blog, Melissa's (sort of) Picture a Day!

Pictures! And idiotic Facebook and YouTube!!

So I have this assignment for Girl Scouts. We have to take a series of photos (3-6, I did 5) that all have to do with each other (i.e. a theme). I did circles. So I went around my house and outside and took pictures of things in the shape of a circle. One of them is an oval, but I don't really care. lol

I actually took about 12 pictures but that's way more than I'm supposed to use, so I narrowed it down to my faves. And here they are!

Also, I hate how Facebook keeps switching between "Becoming a Fan" of and "Liking" a page. I mean seriously. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. And I don't get the whole "thumbs-up-thumbs-down" YouTube thing. It makes no sense. Why can't you just stick with stars? Those are so much better. But at least YouTube has a "dislike" button. Why can't Facebook have one?

*sigh* Whatever. We'll all just have to deal.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Microsoft Office

So I'm learning about Imperialism. I have to write a five paragraph essay on whether I think it was good or bad for Africa. I'm leaning towards good.

My computer comes with Microsoft Office installed. But you have to put in the code, blah blah blah. But I found a way around this and it was working for a good while, until just now. It wouldn't let me type, make a new document, anything.

So I had to install my hardcopy of Office. Which wasn't a big deal it was just annoying.

And on top of all this I have bread in the oven that I pretty much screwed up but whatever.

AND I didn't set a timer.

*sigh* Whatever. I'll just have to deal.

Life Goes On

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.” -Robert Frost
Those three words can mean a lot.
No matter what happens, though however much you think it should stay still, life goes on.
Death, divorce, failing classes, anything. Life goes on.

Enough of the sentimental stuff.
GLEE IS ON TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My song of the day is "Gives You Hell". No reason. I just like it.
So I don't know what to talk about yet, as it's only 8:30 in the morning. I'll figure it out as the day goes on.

--Life Goes On

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stupid Rubber Bracelets

Have you heard of/seen those stupid rubber band type bracelets that little girls have been obsessed with lately?


They're basically these little plasticy-rubbery bracelet things. But when you lay them down flat they are some random shape. They have Christmas ones, animal ones, food-shaped ones, etc. etc.

That's not the annoying part. The annoying part is that the little girls who own them are so obsessive of them. They freak out when you try to take of their favorite ones. Seriously. They, like, cry.

I mean, it's not like it's some Limited Edition SIGNED Babe Ruth trading card.

It's a freaking piece of plastic-rubber.

I don't get the point of them.

These things are probably going to turn into the next plastic bracelet things that meant different THINGS.

And I don't care if I'm freaking out over nothing.